Friday, July 20, 2007

Life, a paradox...

Life is such a paradox. Everything is a big Chinese puzzle to me. You prepare a fool proof plan and along the way of its execution you encounter unanticipated incidents. Well, if you are lucky enough you reach your goal (through ups and downs of course...).

Let us take my example. The project is in its final phase and there is no much significant work left. So I was happy thinking that I would be able to leave for home early today. My hometown is at a 3hr train journey from Bangalore. So I need to leave office early to catch a train/bus. More ever I have some tasks pending that need to be done this weekend. Thus, I have to go home this week at any cost. Though I can wake up early and go on Saturday, I prefer traveling on Friday. The plan to leave early was in perfect sink, until this happened. One of my team mate left for his native yesterday. Today he had to perform an urgent task here. Now that he has left that task was handed over to me for completion. That’s something good. Extra responsibilities teach you a lot. But see the irony. That task can be performed only after 6:00 in the evening. Poor me. I was thinking of leaving office at 5:00 p.m. Now I can only leave office at 6:30 p.m. if everything goes well. And to add to that I have been sitting idle since morning without any significant work. And the most important work begins only after 6:00.

Wah.. Kya life hai!! Now, either you can crib about life or curse your team mate for the transferring the task to you or write it down in a blog like me and kill time. I prefer the last option.

Sometimes even if you plan with accuracy, it can go waste. You can see what happened to me. You can still prevent this by being bit smart. But that does not help always and there are other drawbacks associated with it. I will talk about it some other time. For time being I am making frequent trips to cafeteria on top floor and loitering around. I tried bugging my friends who are online with nonsense tricks, but all of them are too busy to respond. When you are free and don’t have anything to do, all your online friends will be busy and they don’t respond to your pings. During such a period you don’t receive any chain mails or forwards that you would receive everyday.

That is life you see. You have to leave with it. Hey, I think it is time for another trip to cafeteria. I will go around and see if anyone is free to fall prey to my non sense tricks.

That’s all for now… take care…

I just remembered one of the Murphy’s law :

If anything can go wrong, it will, and usually at the most inopportune moment.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Spectacles story

Phew!!.. after a long time I am able to relax in the office. It is 3:00 p.m. The pantry lad just came and served the tea. I am sipping the hot tea now. I can here some body shouting over the phone in the next cubicle. All my team mates are digging into their computers with wide open eyes. Sometimes this computer job can be bugging. But I was somehow able to take advantage of this. Want to hear it? The story goes like this…

I like to wear spectacles. Right from childhood I have been envying people who wear specs. I don’t mean the ones with thick glasses. I meant the ones with thin frame and thin glass. No matter how ugly a person looks, when he wears such spectacles he gets an appealing look on his face. Those specs always add an intellectual and scholarly value to his face. Looks like I am drifting away from the topic. Anyways let me come on the track. My job is computer related and requires constant interaction with it. I have to sit before the computer for almost 9 hrs. Just imagine the state of my poor eyes. Then I came up with a plan. I decided to buy an anti glare glass :). Here was my chance to wear glasses and satisfy my childhood wish. I went to few optical shops here in Bangalore. Happily tried few varieties (this is the only chance to try few exotic varieties to your heart's content.. free of cost of course!!! Well don’t think I am cheap but I am just normal.. :)) and finally settled for a good anti glare spec with thin frame and fiber glass lens. It cost me around Rs.1200. Well neither high nor low. For the past few months I am wearing my specs everyday. Most of them think that glasses don’t suit me. But who cares, I am quite happy wearing it. Why not.. after all my childhood wish has been fulfilled.. :)

That’s all for now..